Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 630 - New Commander: The War God

Chapter 630: New Commander: The War God

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

This news had shocked the human world as much as the death of Lie Jintian did. After the death of Lie Jintian, Zambrotta was the only living Einherjar on Mars, and therefore, he had been tabled at the discussions as the top candidate as the leader. His personal units also further legitimized his claim.

Among the other factions leaders, there were as many strategists as fearsome warriors, but it was rare to find a person who excelled in both specialties.

When the new came to the faction leaders, it finally occurred to them that the War God should have been the leader of Mars. However so far, no one knew who this War God was.

By then, all the war-knights on Mars had weighed in their support for Zambrotta to become the next supreme commander of the martian force; they would unequivocally fight alongside the first dragoon regiment till the end of the war.

This development pushed Zambrotta’s fame to a new height. Although he had no Einherjar under his command, he had the support of the invincible War god.

The real deal maker that solidified Zambrotta’s position was Kaedeians’ announcement that they, too, endorsed him.

Kaedeian urged the human resistance factions to unite together under one banner during such difficult times. They believed that no one would be a better leader than Zambrotta. Over the years, he had proven himself not only as a deadly warrior, but also an astute commander. His recent pledge of loyalty to the War god meant he had the backing of a formidable god-like warrior.

To be frank, Zambrotta was not nearly as powerful as Lie Jintian. Everyone knew that he was a level twenty-seven warrior; he might seem invincible among humans, but his power did not measure up to that of the dark lord by a long chalk. Everyone had endorsed him at the leader not because of his own strength, but because of the mighty War god behind him.

From bits and pieces of the video recordings, the people knew that the War God was the only person who could stand against the Dark Lord. Zambrotta’s sworn allegiance also spoke loudly of his abilities. After all, not even Lie Jintian was able to persuade Zambrotta to join him.

Moye had been waiting to see the human world fall apart after the death of their leader; however, his plan backfired. Both House Lie and Kaedeians all listened to the orders of Zambrotta, making the human forces more united than they ever were.

It would take some time for the new alliances to adjust the chain of command. Under such perilous conditions, everyone was watchful for any actions that would erode the humans’ solidarity.

Zachery had achieved what he wanted to achieve like he always did. Making his puppet a leader among the humans was like a stroll in the park. It had been easy to gain Zambrotta’s allegiance; the fight between Zambrotta and Einherjar Wannabe had changed Zambrotta’s life. Rumors had it that Zambrotta carried out a fight with the War God as well. But, after the fight, the War God was able to convince him of his godhood, and eventually brought him to his knees.

Kaedeians’ support came from their faith in Wang Tong. They knew that the War God and the chosen one were connected, and therefore, they had supported the War God’s spokesperson: Zambrotta.

The threat from their common enemy loomed ahead, and the alliances were formed quickly.

After order was restored to the Martian resistance forces, Zambrotta had the Kaedeians’ support to the other factions gain more frequency and intensity compared to before. Meanwhile, the Knights kept a watchful eye on the battlefield, and they would send a stern warning to any faction that was not pulling its weight.

Zambrotta was aware that his army’s strength came from discipline, and if he were not careful enough and let the Zergs find a weak link in the human resistance, they would lose everything that they had gained, along with countless lives.

Zambrotta’s offensive approach had its anti. Many faction leaders believed that the human resistance needed to rest and recover. However, these voices of concern were turned down very quickly by others who agreed with his direction. Offense was the best defense; Zergs were still stunned by their defeats, and there wouldn’t be a better time to lash out at them than now.

Although the death of Lie Jintian was a massive blow to the human resistance forces, the restructuring of the force and appointment of a new leader also presented new opportunists.

The existence of the War God should be enough to boost the soldiers’ confidence, and as a leader, Zambrotta should take advantage of it.

However, Zambrotta had his own concerns. He reckoned that the Zergs would be much quicker at adjusting to new situations than humans. The promise of reinforcement from the immortals also hung above the human resistances’ neck like a sharp knife. If that happened, the humans on Mars would be doomed.

Therefore, Zambrotta was determined to push the human force forward and finish the dark lord’s forces as fast as possible.?In order to garner more support for his offensive plan, he had declared his plan a divine will of the War God.

Hiding high up behind the clouds, Zachery heard Zambrotta proclaim war in front of the human resistance force. When he heard Zambrotta’s false claim about his support for his plan, Zachery could help but laugh. He was pleased by the latter’s wit, courage, as well as decision-making skills.

Although an offensive approach was a no-brainier for Zachery, he understood why ordinary people who lacked war experience could have failed to reach that conclusion.

Recuperation? Dream on! Once the human soldiers slowed down their advancement, contentment would creep into their hearts, and it would be too late to encourage them to fight for their lives again. It had taken Zachery a great measure of effort to inspire the human soldiers; the constant fighting was taxing on his system. However, the war had reached a critical moment. He could not let go of the gas pedal. Human soldiers looked up to him, so he had to keep on fighting and winning.

Once the Zergs’ casualties reached a certain threshold, their entire war plan would fall apart quickly.

“Mr. Wannabe, you need to rest.” Charcoal announced.?Zachery waved a hand and Charcoal didn’t bring this up again. Charcoal knew that although he has had an intelligent AI chip, he would never understand humans.

“After all, you have been up for two days. It’s time to take a rest.” Brenda urged Zambrotta.?At the sight of his daughter, a smile broke over his knotted face. “Thank you, but I’m fine! Your dad is an Einherjar, remember?”

“Einherjars need to rest too! You are the chief commander now…You need to look after yourself.”

Zambrotta stretched his body to prevent exhaustion claiming him, but his face seemed troubled. Although he had convinced the human resistance to continue the offense, casualties had spiked. Some leaders had openly accused him of sending their soldiers to a suicidal mission.

Zambrotta didn’t mind the accusation; this was a war, not a child’s game. However, he conceded that he would have to rein in the skyrocketing casualties. But despite the difficulties, he still firmly believed in his decision.

“Fine, fine! I will rest...I have heard that you have gotten a boyfriend, haven’t you? Who is that boy?”

“Dad, don’t listen to the rumors. I won’t think about finding a boyfriend until the Zergs are off our planet.”

“Very ambitious, good, good! But as your father, I have to lodge my complaint. I don’t want to wait another eighteen years to see you get married.” Zambrotta laughed.

“Dad, we are not each seeing each other yet!” Brenda blushed.

“Ok, ok! I will not ask you about it, haha!” His daughter’s reaction amused Zambrotta.

“Dad, you look troubled. What is it that is bothering you?”

“What else could it be other than the accursed war?” Zambrotta cracked a pained smile.

“You are lying. Your nose just twitched…You always do that when you lie!” Brenda pointed out; she knew her father well.

“Can I have some privacy please?” Zambrotta feinted a frown.

“Is it about the War God?” Brenda kept prying.

Zambrotta gathered himself and asked, “What do you think of him?”

“Why don’t you tell me more about him. Maybe I can give you my two cents.” Brenda announced.

Zambrotta picked up a cigarette, then lit it and drew on it. “My leader status came too fast and too suddenly. I still can’t believe that it has happened.”

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