Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 1017 - Dire Situations Call for Exceptions

1017 Dire Situations Call for Exceptions

When Special Assistant Yang thought about how those regulations had been established by himself, he started sweating profusely.

The mere thought that those documents had come from Huo Shaoheng, and that it had concerned inaction on Gu Nianzhi’s part, had been enough for him to know that Huo Shaoheng wouldn’t press the issue further, and certainly wouldn’t demand that Special Assistant Yang take responsibility for it.

Since Huo Shaoheng is willing to do anything to protect Gu Nianzhi, Special Assistant Yang thought he could take advantage of that and declare that Huo Shaoheng was abusing his powers. That way, he would paint himself as a martyr being tormented, which would allow him to gain pity and favors from Speaker Long.

All of the high-ranking senior members of the empire knew that Speaker Long despised people in high positions that exploited their power for personal gain, or for the sole purpose of lording their power over others.

As long as Huo Shaoheng was seen as exploiting his power by Speaker Long, not only would his future career prospects be ruined, Gu Nianzhi would take the heat as well. She would no longer be trained as an apprentice to succeed him eventually.

How could such a perfect ‘kill two birds with one stone’ type of scheme be thwarted by something as simple as official procedure?!

No way. He wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Special Assistant Yang’s eyes gleamed, and he cackled with laughter. “Matters like this can’t be defined that easily. After all, procedures are fixed and rigid, while humans are alive and flexible. During a critical period like this, we should all be more flexible and willing to make exceptions.”

As Special Assistant Yang spoke, he kept an eye on Speaker Long’s body language. Seeing that Speaker Long seemed to nod slightly in agreement, Special Assistant Yang’s anxiousness transformed into relief.

Thinking about Huo Shaoheng, Special Assistant Yang suddenly thought of something else and said, “Just like Huo Shaoheng’s Special Forces Operations, according to protocol, they are not supposed to meddle with domestic affairs. Yet this provisional election is a time of crisis, and desperate times call for desperate measures. So, an exception has been made, and they were allowed to intervene in the domestic sphere, with surveillance for the provisional election. You see, this is a great example of what I’m trying to say.”

Although Gu Nianzhi’s gaze appeared to be nonchalantly fixed upon Speaker Long, in reality, she had been watching Special Assistant Yang’s change in expression from the corner of her eye.

Hearing his arduous attempts to shirk blame from himself and back onto her, Gu Nianzhi pursed her lips and met Special Assistant Yang’s gaze.

Gu Nianzhi didn’t miss a beat and said, “Special Assistant Yang, please don’t use far-fetched excuses. Let’s focus on the issue at hand, which is the secretariat’s handling of such documents. So, you’re saying that depending on the situation, an exception might be made, and there might not be a standard protocol? Well then, let’s just focus on typical situations that actually do involve protocol. So, according to the procedures, who should be the one responsible for dealing with a document such as this?”

Special Assistant Yang gulped, finding himself at a loss for words.

Gu Nianzhi took in all of the nuances of Special Assistant Yang’s facial expression, continuing to say, “Special Assistant Yang, how come you are sweating so much? Unless, according to standard protocol, you are the one who was supposed to be responsible for dealing with this document?!”

Speaker Long’s smile vanished, and he looked at Special Assistant Yang. Seeing his current state, Speaker Long refrained from harshly scolding him.

Gu Nianzhi shifted her focus away from Speaker Long and happily stated, “If Special Assistant Yang isn’t begging to differ, then I must have guessed correctly. According to the procedures, the rightful course of action would have been for Special Assistant Yang to deliver those important documents personally. How else should it have been?! Since it truly was such a crucial document delivered personally by Huo Shaoheng from the Special Operations Forces, of course, the most senior member of staff from the secretariat should have been the one handling it. Right?”

Special Assistant Yang shot daggers at Gu Nianzhi but found himself between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t speak without implicating himself, yet remaining silent would indicate guilt as well.

Special Assistant Yang found himself unable to come up with any further excuses. He wished he could just crawl into a hole and hide from his shame.

However, Gu Nianzhi was not going to let him off the hook that easily. “So, what you mean to say is that it was your fault that the crucial documents didn’t get signed in a timely manner and that the responsibility lies entirely with you?” she continued, full of amusement. “And that you certainly haven’t been trying to make a scapegoat out of anyone else, and especially haven’t been trying to make me a scapegoat, is that correct?”

Special Assistant Yang choked out some unintelligible words. He appeared to be fuming with rage, with his cheeks puffed out like a toad.

Gu Nianzhi continued to speak, saying, “Taking this all back a step, like Special Assistant Yang said, in matters of urgency, it would be for the best not to rigidly adhere to protocol. So, let’s discuss the Special Operations Forces’ surveillance on the provisional election.”

“What is there to discuss? Miss Gu, this isn’t a matter someone like you is qualified to speak about, so you better watch your tongue,” Special Assistant Yang said.

Seeing how Gu Nianzhi had circled back to her original argument, Special Assistant Yang began to regain some nerve and felt somewhat emboldened.

Special Assistant Yang had been contemptuous of Gu Nianzhi right from the beginning, as he believed that she had come this far not by her own efforts, but by depending on favors from men.

In court, Gu Nianzhi depended on her influential mentor He Zhichu.

In daily life, of course, Gu Nianzhi relied on her ‘ex-boyfriend’ Huo Shaoheng.

Thinking about that made Special Assistant Yang purse his lips in disdain. He felt contempt for Huo Shaoheng as well.

Gu Nianzhi certainly wasn’t the type of person that would stay silent just because someone ordered her to.

Even if Huo Shaoheng had been the one issuing the order, she still wouldn’t have obeyed unconditionally.

Not to mention, the person giving the order was Special Assistant Yang, not someone that mattered to her.

Gu Nianzhi furtively stole a few glances at Speaker Long and noticed his gradually hardening expression. She decided to press the matter further and show no mercy despite her apparent victory. “Since Special Assistant Yang is using the Special Operations Forces as an example of an exception made during urgent circumstances, then lets thoroughly discuss it.”

Special Assistant Yang regained his composure and interrupted her, sounding annoyed. “Do you feel like you are qualified to express your opinion on the matter at hand? I’ve reiterated this many times already, do you have trouble understanding human speech?”

“I understand human speech. Non-human ones? Not so much,” Gu Nianzhi declared icily with a cold expression.

Speaker Long hadn’t had the chance to express his opinion yet, but for some reason, Special Assistant Yang felt dignified in repeatedly interrupting her, being downright discourteous.

Gu Nianzhi saw no further point in keeping up a polite façade. She looked at Speaker Long and said, “Speaker Long, the first day I arrived here, I saw various documents stating how the Special Operations Forces overseeing the surveillance of the interim election depended on signature permissions from General Ji, Speaker Long, and a Cabinet member of ministerial rank. Because of all of that, they are able to break protocol and intervene in domestic affairs, isn’t that so?”

Speaker Long nodded and said quietly, “Of course. Otherwise, how could Shaoheng accept such a task?”

If it caused him to overstep his authority or if it was illegal, Huo Shaoheng would have never done it.

That was also one of the reasons that Speaker Long had left Huo Shaoheng in charge of the Special Operations Forces.

It was because Speaker Long was confident that Huo Shaoheng wouldn’t abuse his authority, and that he would adhere to law and protocol.

Receiving an affirmative response from Speaker Long, Gu Nianzhi immediately turned towards Special Assistant Yang, asking him, “How about you, Special Assistant Yang? Such an important document, yet you write off its mishandling as being due to an exception in urgent circumstances. Where did you obtain the permission to make such an exception? Who gave you the right to declare this as such?! Or are you saying that you yourself possess the authority to determine which instances qualify as exceptions without requesting permission from other parties?

“Do you honestly think you have the authority to make decisions concerning the secretariat without adhering to protocol or consulting Speaker Long? Special Assistant Yang, may I inquire as to whether this is your secretariat or Speaker Long’s?!”

The only thing left was for Gu Nianzhi to physically point her finger at Special Assistant Yang’s nose and accuse him of overriding Speaker Long’s authority.

Speaker Long appeared dismayed and turned towards the visibly distressed Special Assistant Yang. “Nianzhi has a valid point. This is the Senate, and as a legislative branch, if we ourselves don’t abide by the law and arbitrarily break protocol, then what would be the meaning of our branch’s existence? We might as well be disestablished,” he said quietly.

The weight of his words couldn’t be understated.

Special Assistant Yang was alarmed by Speaker Long’s words.

He stood up fearfully and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat from his brow as he stammered, “Spe-Speaker Long, things aren’t how they seem. I-I-I really had been too busy, and had been pulling several all-nighters-”

“Busy? Who isn’t busy? Special Assistant Yang said earlier that all I ever do is play on my phone, so may I request the surveillance footage for this office to be retrieved so we all may see exactly how much time I have spent on my phone?” Gu Nianzhi smirked as she spoke. “Besides, how can one forgo one’s fundamental responsibilities just because they are busy? Special Assistant Yang, you really have some unusual double standards.

“When it’s someone else’s fault that the document hasn’t been sent, you call it being picky and uncooperative, yet when it’s discovered that you are at fault, you justify it with being too busy. You forget there is room for forgiveness, and you downplay the significance of it all. Anyway, it seems like you are the most powerful one in the secretariat. The ones who obey you stay on your good side, while the ones who dare to cross you suffer the consequences.”

“Nonsense!” Special Assistant Yang protested. He could hardly suppress the urge to cover Gu Nianzhi’s mouth. “What do you mean by ‘the ones who dare to cross you suffer the consequences’? When has this ever occurred?! Stop uttering such nonsense!”

“I never make unfounded assertions.” Gu Nianzhi wiggled her fingers dismissively. “Speaker Long is here, every word you say reaches not only my ears but his as well.”

Gu Nianzhi was unwavering in her reasoning. She saw no further use in keeping up a polite pretense.

There no longer seemed to be the possibility of an amicable compromise, so they might as well put everything on the table and let Speaker Long decide.

She would no longer turn a blind eye to Special Assistant Yang’s conspicuous attempts to victimize her. She would fight back hard and let him get a taste of his own medicine!

Speaker Long had been aware of Special Assistant Yang’s personal flaws to a certain extent but had turned the other way due to his belief that nobody was perfect, and had tolerated it.

As long as no severe damage was done, Speaker Long had been willing to turn the other cheek. Yet today, Special Assistant Yang’s tendency for abusing his power was not only on full display but also at a heightened severity.

So, Speaker Long’s kindness and tolerance had overindulged Special Assistant Yang to the point that he felt as though he had free reign over the secretariat?

Speaker Long’s displeasure with Special Assistant Yang had already reached its limit, but he couldn’t come down too hard on Special Assistant Yang in front of Gu Nianzhi. It would cause him to lose all of his credibility completely.

Lifting his hands, Speaker Long said to Gu Nianzhi with a smile, “Nianzhi, you may be excused now. Come drop by my office later in the day, and we’ll have a little chat.”

“Alright, well, I won’t keep you from your work anymore.” Gu Nianzhi stood up, nodded at Speaker Long, turned around, and left the office, all without acknowledging Special Assistant Yang.

Only after he saw Gu Nianzhi leave the room and the door close behind her did Special Assistant Yang suddenly break down into tears and start begging for forgiveness. He expressed his willingness to accept any punishment.

Watching his pitiful state, Speaker Long merely sighed and said, “Special Assistant Yang, you have been by my side for about ten years now. I have never been a particularly stern boss, but now I see that my leniency has indulged you too much.”

Special Assistant Yang shook inside and hurriedly proclaimed, “Speaker Long, this is entirely my fault. I have let you down. Punish me however you want. Demote me, decrease my salary – I’m willing to take it. By god, as long as you continue to let me work for you! I’ll even take no pay!”

Speaker Long looked at him with pity and said, “You have been working too much. If this amount of work is enough for you to lose yourself and forget what is truly important, then I think you should take a long time off to get some rest.”

“What?!” Special Assistant Yang stared at Speaker Long for a moment, looking absolutely devastated. “How can I take time off at such a critical point?”

An uneasy look crossed Speaker Long’s face. He smiled a little and said, “I don’t even have the authority to tell my subordinate to take some time off? Special Assistant Yang, it seems like Gu Nianzhi wasn’t wrong after all.”

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